Business Auto Insurance
A vehicle collision, no matter how minor, involving one of your business vans is costly; especially from the human perspective of your employee who was driving. And you must consider the repair cost and the possibility that someone from outside your company was injured as well. Now for the icing on the cake, picture the total impact to your bottom line if that multi-tiered designer wedding cake you created was in the back. Not good.
Protect your employees, your equipment and your company’s product – when your business vehicles are on the road. Your cars, SUVs, vans and trucks can be protected from damage and collisions. After all, you’re trying to be sure that all of the effort and money you have invested in your business doesn’t crumple after a collision.
Even with insurance coverage, you should still establish some positive practices for your employees when operating your vehicles:
- Mandatory seat belt use – there is no reasonable excuse for not using a seat belt
- No cell phone use – prohibit employees from taking calls or texting while driving – distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents
- Zero tolerance for intoxicants – zero
- Limit business vehicle use to work-related travel
- Lock and secure vehicles – just as they would their own vehicle
- Drive the speed limit – assure that scheduling allows sufficient travel time between events
Solace business insurance agents have created strong alliances in the property & casualty industry; all focused on helping you find the markets and products needed to serve your business vehicle needs. There are a number of options for coverage and we’re here to help you evaluate each one.
At Solace Insurance our business is to help you protect your business. Rest insured.
Call a knowledgeable Solace business insurance agent today at 1.800.915.0969